蝮蛇和狐狸(Viper and fox)
寓意:恶人为非作歹,不惜铤而走险。Agkistrodon halys wound around a bunch of thorns and drifted along the gurgling river. The fox passed by, saw the scene and shouted to him, "the ship owner and the ship are a perfect match!"
Moral: the wicked do evil and do not hesitate to take risks.
蝮蛇和锉刀(Agkistrodon halys and file)
A viper climbed into the blacksmith's shop and asked for all kinds of tools to help him. After receiving relief from them, he climbed to the file and asked him to give something, too. The file said, "it's foolish of you to get something from me. I always take it from others, but I never give it away."
Moral: it's foolish to get benefits from a miser.
蝰蛇和水蛇(Vipers and water snakes)
Agkistrodon often goes to the spring to drink. The water snake who lived there was not satisfied with his own territory, but had to go to other people's territory to drink water. He was very angry and came out to stop him. Their quarrel intensified and they agreed to fight each other. Whoever won, they would hand over all the land and water territory to whoever. After the date of the battle was decided, the frogs who hated the water snake ran to the Agkistrodon halys to inspire him and promised to help him. The battle began. The Agkistrodon Agkistrodon attacked the water snake, but the frog could do nothing except cry. After the victory of Agkistrodon halys, he blamed the frog. Although he promised to help him in the war, he not only didn't help, but only sang continuously. The frog said to him, "ah, friend, you know, we don't help with our hands, but with our voices."
Moral: when it is necessary to help with your hands, it is useless to use good words.
宙斯与廉耻(Zeus and shame)
宙斯造人之时, 同时也赋予了各种秉性为人所特有,却唯独把“廉耻”给忘了。只好命令廉耻从人的直肠进入人体内。廉耻逡巡不前,羞努异常,对宙斯说:“我可以这样进入,但厄洛斯(爱神)却不能和我一样进来,他来我就走!”
When Zeus created man, he also gave all kinds of temperament, which was unique to man, but he only forgot "shame". He had to order shame to enter the human body from the human rectum. Shame hesitated and said to Zeus, "I can enter like this, but Eros (God of love) can't come in like me. I'll go when he comes!"
Moral: if human beings indulge in wanton desires; There is no shame.
宙斯与狐狸(Zeus and the fox)
Zeus appreciated the fox's wisdom and cunning and gave him the king of beasts. Zeus wanted to know whether the fox's greedy nature would converge with the change of his identity. When the fox came in a sedan chair, Zeus threw down a dung beetle. The dung beetle kept flying around the sedan chair. The fox couldn't bear it any longer. He immediately jumped off the sedan chair and wanted to catch him. Zeus was so angry that he demoted the fox back to his original position.
Moral: even if he wears the most gorgeous clothes, the bad man will not change his nature.
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